adventures na kati ntoto

A place for emotions, prose, poetry, and editorials

Month: August, 2015

I’m tired

This will be a short post that pertains to my feelings.

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School Time.

In my anticipation for school to begin (I’m lame. I know…), I came across an article (or articles) on Facebook that brought up a controversial topic about schools: should schools start later or earlier? When you think about it, the answer would be quite simple–push back the starting time, yet the reporters explain that the process is more complicated than what we think. I rambled at the end, so be prepared for that.

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This will be a short entry, but I just need to rant for a few seconds.

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New Beginnings. New Home.

IMG_4752It’s been so long since I posted. This is the second personal journal that I have ever posted on this blog; the other is the post about my trip to Japan. Well, I have exciting news, and I also want to relay some information regarding myself and what I will be doing with this blog from now on.

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In the Shadows.

A group photo among my two closest friends: Princess (pictured left) and Ebony (pictured right).

A group photo between my two closest friends: Princess (pictured left) and Ebony (pictured right) (September 10, 2014)

Today was an eventful day. I’ll describe everything in detail, and some emotional words might slip out, so be cautious of that. Either way, I feel sad and empty. I don’t even know how to express this feeling or what to call it, but I’ll try with my words.

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